My father's day gift? 250 rounds of 9mm ammo. Perfect!
I have to give credit to my sister-in-law Jen for taking the picture. She got it just as I shot so there is a smoke cloud coming out the barrel, the action is still cycling, and if you look where I circled, the casing is flying through the air.
The day starts off like any other Sunday, with a lovely breakfast (Paula made the eggs and bacon, Raina made me toast--and lot's of it), and then going to church. Then we go to Uncle Greg's house for some brunch.
Then home so my brother-in-law and family could come over. He brought some clays, his 12 gauge and his 9mm. I brought out my XD-9 and Paula's 20 gauge Benelli. I'd say we probably only went through a few boxes of shotgun shells, but probably at least 300 rounds of 9mm.
Then we came back to house to eat grilled deer meat and slow roasted prime rib, and had some beers.
Many rounds of ammo were fired in the making of this Father's Day, and there was no shortage of meat either. Let me show you where to put that ugly necktie!